FAQs: Simple Answers Which Can Empower Your Decision

FAQS – Discover how ebix revenue cycle management services can optimize your medical practice. Get answers to your medical billing FAQs today. Here, we answer questions about how the ebix revenue cycle management services can help your medical practice run more efficiently.


FAQs: What do you charge?

The service charge depends on the specialty, the volume of patients, and the type of service you need. Do you want a full outsourcing or some blended model?

Do you need complete code abstraction services where our certified coders will review the documentation and abstract the CPT and ICD-10 codes from the medical record?

Are you only interested in code review, where the provider completes the encounter form, and our certified coders check it for compliance before electronically submitting your claims to the payers?

Just contact us, and we will provide you with our comprehensive analysis.

FAQs: Do you have experience in my specialty?

The ebix team has multi-specialty experience and expert, certified professional medical coders and billers who can effectively work with any specialty.

FAQs: What billing or RCM services do you provide?

We provide a full range of revenue cycle management services. Please tell us your needs, and we will work with you to be sure we meet each one to help your practice run more efficiently and profitably.

What is the process for the ebix team to begin working with me?

We generally request a 30-60 day advance for the startup, but we have been able to assist practices in a shorter timeframe when urgent assistance is required.

Do you handle provider credentialing?

We have expert credentialing specialists who can assist your practice with these services. Hence, Credentialing is a complicated area for most practices to work through.

Please contact us to assist you with our knowledge and expertise.

What kind of training or ongoing support do you offer?

Specifically, we provide real-time feedback to providers to assist them with compliance and ongoing changes related to revenue cycle management. We provide updates to insurance regulatory and medical coding changes in the industry. Contact us to learn more about our practice education and training programs.

For instance, we have live people answering our phones and assisting patients and clients with their medical claim needs.

How do I know I am getting paid correctly?

In particular, ebix offers contract reimbursement analysis. Additionally, we enter your contracted rates into our practice management system and compare that to your actual insurance payments to ensure your practice reimbursement is according to your contracted fee schedule.